Logging truck services

     Kobrin forestry provides services for the transportation of finished woodworking products and only in the passing direction of MAZAMI, Uralami and GAZ-53 (maximum length of 6 meters) on paved roads.

Prices (without VAT): MAZ (1 hour- 127.00 rubles, 1 km- 1.70 rubles. 1mz - 1.30 rubles.)

URAL (1 hour - 25.00 rubles, 1 km-1.67 rubles. 1mz - 1.60 rubles. )
We provide services by logging trucks in the district all year round.

MPT services -461.1 for 1 hour without VAT - 35.00 rubles.

All logging trucks are equipped with manipulators with a load capacity of 0.5 tons.
There are 10 logging trucks in the forestry park , including : MAZ - 9 units, Ural 4320 - 1 unit .
Such services depend on mileage, loading volume and travel time (km, moh, hour) and are provided to individuals and legal entities without presenting any documents.

     To order the service, contact: Chief Engineer tel. (8-01642) 9-30-71;
chief mechanic tel. (8-01642) 3-10-69.