Certification Information

     Kobrin experimental forestry of the Brest State Forestry Production Association of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus with a total area of 73842.6 hectares of forest fund, located on the territory of Zhabinkovsky, Kobrin and Brest administrative districts. The forestry consists of 7 forestry departments, a wood processing workshop, a basic nursery and a forestry station. The activity of the forestry is the continuous improvement of forestry management, the promotion of the most complete and efficient use of natural resources, the increase of forest biodiversity.


     Forest certification is the activity of the international non-profit organization Forest Stewardship Council ® (Forest Stewardship Council), which is aimed at confirming the prudent, correct management of forest resources in accordance with the legislation in force on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, state standards regulating the reproduction, protection and protection of forests, timber harvesting. The work on certification is aimed at ensuring that the rights of the local population are not infringed in the process of forestry activities.


     Forest Stewardship Council ® (Forest Stewardship Council)- this is an independent international system of certification and environmental labeling of products, existing since 1993. Its goal is to promote environmentally responsible, socially oriented and economically sustainable forest management and management of the world's forest resources. FSC includes two main solutions: forest management certification for companies managing natural forests or plantations; certification of the supply chain for companies using wood and products from it (furniture manufacturers, printing houses, pulp and paper industries) to confirm the traceability of the origin of wood.


     The State experimental Forestry Institution "Kobrin Experimental Forestry" is certified according to Forest Stewardship Council ® standards, license code FSC-C015852, certificate code SGS-FM/SOS-006844.



     Certification under the Forest Stewardship Council ® scheme is an important means of preserving the biological diversity of exploited forests, i.e. forests in which forest management is carried out in order to obtain wood. Certification under the Forest Stewardship Council ® scheme provides for the assessment of forestry activities by an independent (third) a party to strict social, environmental and economic standards. Certified wood is tracked from the cutting area to the processing plant and further to the consumer.


     The result of certification is the receipt of a certificate of compliance of farming or manufactured products with certain requirements. The certificate confirms that forest management is carried out in a balanced manner, taking into account economic, social and environmental interests equally.

The main reasons for international certification in forestry are:

- strong global demand for certified raw materials;

- strengthening of positions in the international and domestic market and expanded access to it;

-improving the effectiveness of forest resources management.

There are many reasons for international certification in forestry enterprises, the main of which are the following:



The supply chain is the path that wood takes, from the forest to the buyer, including all stages of processing, production, processing and marketing.

The certificate of the supply chain (Chain of Custody — COC certifi cate) certifies that the products are made from certified raw materials, and documents the process of receiving and moving products from the source of raw materials to the finished product.

The supply chain of forest products from the producer to the consumer is an independent guaranteed assessment that the products come to the market from well-managed certified forests.

The products manufactured by the Kobrin Experimental Forestry are certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council ® (Forest Stewardship Council).

International environmental conventions and labour organization conventions.