

     Duck is a representative of birds from several genera of the duck family: piebald ducks, diving ducks, savki, river ducks, steamer ducks, musk ducks and crumbs; in total, more than 110 species. Ducks are widely distributed.


     Male ducks are called drakes, baby ducks are called ducklings. The word duck comes from other-Russian. uty (cf. ukr. utitsia).


     Ducks are medium-sized and small birds with a relatively short neck and a tarsus covered in front with transverse shields. The color of the plumage is diverse, many species have a special "mirror" on the wing. A number of species are characterized by pronounced sexual dimorphism during the breeding season, which is most often manifested in different colors of the plumage of the male and female. In most species, molting occurs twice a year; summer — full, autumn — partial.

The cost of one-time permits for the extraction of hunting animals of standardized species and hunting permits for them (from October 08, 2021)

View Price, bel. rub.
One-time duck hunting trip 10,00
Seasonal duck hunting trip 50,00