

     European elk, or moose, or elk (Lat. Alces alces)— is a species of mammals from the family of deer (Cervidae).


     Male body length up to 3 m, height at the withers up to 2.3 m, tail length 12-13 cm; weight 360-600 kg. Females are smaller. In appearance, the elk is noticeably different from other deer. The trunk and neck are short, the withers are high, in the form of a hump. The legs are very elongated, so in order to get drunk, the moose is forced to go deep into the water or stand on his wrists. The head is large, hooked-nosed, with an overhanging fleshy upper lip. Under the throat is a soft leathery outgrowth ("earring"), reaching 25-40 cm. The coat is coarse, brownish-gray; the legs are light gray, almost white. The hooves on the front legs are pointed, which allows the moose to use them as a weapon in skirmishes with predators like wolves or bears (but not in mating matches with rivals, so as not to injure them). Just one blow with such a hoof is enough to pierce the enemy's skull or open his stomach.


     Males have huge (the largest of modern mammals) shovel-shaped horns; their span reaches 180 cm, weight - 20-30 kg. The moose sheds its horns annually in November — December and goes without them until April - May. Females are hornless.


     Often the moose is called the elk because of the horns, their shape resembles a plow.

The cost of one-time permits for the extraction of hunting animals of standardized species and hunting permits for them (from October 08, 2021)

View Price, bel. rub.
underyearlings 400,00
adult female elk 800,00
adult male elk 800,00
trophy male 1300,00