GOLKHU "Kobrin forestry" was established in 1939. In 2000, he was awarded the status of an experienced forestry enterprise. The Kobrin experimental forestry enterprise of the Brest GPLHO is located in the southwestern part of the Brest region on the territory of four districts: Brest (0.1%), Zhabinkovsky (14.7%), Kobrin (84.4%) and Maloritskiy (0.8%). The length of the forestry territory from north to south is 62 km and from east to west is 67 km . The forestry enterprise borders: in the west - with the Brest forestry, in the northeast - with the Ivatsevichi forestry, in the east - with the Drogichinsky forestry. The southern border of the forestry enterprise runs along the border with Ukraine. The total area of the forestry on 01.01.2020 is 73843.9 hectares, including 64204.9 hectares of forested land.
According to the forest-growing zoning, the territory of the forestry enterprise is located in the subzone of hornbeam oak forests (broad-leaved pine forests). The forestry is located in the temperate zone of the Atlantic-continental region. The average annual air temperature is +7.3 °C, the average annual precipitation is 569 mm. The growing season lasts 190-200 days. Natural and climatic conditions are quite favorable for the successful growth of coniferous, soft-leaved and hard-leaved species. The relief of the forestry enterprise location is flat. Soils are represented by varying degrees of moisture - from dry and fresh to moist and moist. with thyme
The territory of the forestry has a sufficiently developed system of rivers and streams belonging to the Baltic basin. The largest waterway in the forestry area is the Mukhavets River, a right tributary of the Western Bug River.
At the moment, the Kobrin experimental forestry includes ten structural divisions: Bolotsky forestry, Verkholeskoye forestry, Divinsky experimental production forestry, Zaprudsky forestry, Zasimovsky forestry, Petrovich forestry, Povityevsky forestry, Divinsky wood processing workshop, Zasimovsky basic nursery, Forest point.